Biggest Music festivals in us

July 30, 2014
Summer 2014 s 40 Must-See

It's been about 46 years since the original Woodstock took place in Sullivan County, N.Y. It was a pivotal moment in American music history and one thing it highlighted was that Americans just love music festivals. That might be why it's almost five decades later and music festivals seem just as popular as ever. Sure, it's usually unbearably hot (or worse, raining), the food and drinks are overpriced, and the bathroom situation is beyond disgusting, but if you want to see your favorite act live on stage this summer (along with your second, third, and 256th favorite act) you're probably gonna catch them at a music festival.

But how popular are music festivals? And if those tickets are so expensive and the water is overpriced, just how much money are they actually making? To find out, we started looking into the numbers behind some of the most popular music festivals, including Coachella, Bonnaroo, Ultra, and many others. Peep the video above to see just how those numbers add up.

Lightning Injures 33 at Music Festival in Germany
Lightning Injures 33 at Music Festival in Germany
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